Cat perched on my chest

10 Things to Know About Me

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When I come across a new content creator, I’m always intrigued by what makes them tick. What’s their story? What motivates them? What inspires them? Here are 10 things I want you to know about me before we dive in any further.

  1. I eloped at age 21 and have been (mostly) happily married to Terry for the past 25 years. If you’ve been married for more than 5 minutes, you know what I mean. 
  2. Somehow we lucked out in the parenting department. We have two high school boys who are clever, hilarious, adventurous, and still enjoy spending time with their parents. (If I knew how to insert a shocked-face emoji here, I would.)
  3. Our family is rounded out by a little dog and a goofy cat (seen above).
  4. I grew up in San Diego before we moved to Eugene, Oregon. If you have never been to Oregon, you absolutely must go. It’s amazing. After spending 20 years in Eugene, we recently relocated to Colorado Springs, Colorado. Altitude, snow, and sunshine; oh my!
  5. I grew up in a very conservative Christian household, and I have found that life does not always align with the way I was taught to think about the world. 
  6. I love to learn. I have a bookshelf full of books I adore and a wall full of degrees and certificates. My most recent is a Certificate in Spiritual Formation & Discipleship from George Fox University, and I’m presently enrolled in a combination MBA / Masters’ of Organizational Leadership program at Creighton University.
  7. For my day job, I work for a commercial insurance company in their risk control department. While that may sound yawn-inducing to you, I absolutely love it. I get to connect with so many fascinating people and help their organizations achieve their grand visions!
  8. Although public speaking is a fear for many people, I actually enjoy it. My first taste was speaking at my CPCU conferment ceremony in 2003; I do believe there were thousands of people there (or maybe that’s my version of a fish story). When I was the risk manager for a utility company, I got to speak in front of groups big and small. I’m currently in Toastmasters with a lovely group of colleagues, and I enjoy finding ways to connect with my audiences! (* Lest you think I’m fearless, let me assure you I most certainly am not. I harbor deep-seated fears of horses biting me and my thumb getting stuck in a bowling ball.)
  9. I am a cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in April 2014, which means this month I’m “celebrating” the 10 year anniversary of our lives being turned upside down! Did that sarcasm come through loud and clear? Guess that means I still have strong feelings on the matter.
  10. And finally but not least … I love puzzles. Yes the jigsaw kind but also, how does one start a blog anyway? Can I beat my father-in-law at Wordle today? How long can I feed my family out of the pantry and freezer before they start noticing the awkward food combinations I’ve resorted to? How cheaply can we go on vacation? Am I flexible enough to try that yoga pose without falling on my face? You may find some of these hacks sprinkled throughout my blog posts as well.

Well there you have it. There’s more to me but I promised you only 10 things.

Now it’s your turn. What should I know about you, dear reader?

6 responses to “10 Things to Know About Me”

  1. Davina Brown Avatar
    Davina Brown

    I’m so excited to read your blog posts. We miss seeing you all! I will post 10 things about me.
    Much Love,

    1. Sarah Creighton Avatar
      Sarah Creighton

      Hi Davina! We miss seeing you too. 🙂

  2. Karin Mitchell Avatar

    This is fantastic! Blogging is the best.

    1. Sarah Creighton Avatar
      Sarah Creighton

      Karin – I agree!

  3. Mary Hilgendorf Avatar
    Mary Hilgendorf

    Dear Sarah, You write so well and there is so much more that comes through when you speak. What fun that you are doing this blog! And oh my stars, I remember the cancer, how world unraveling it was and how very well you have come through it all. Praise God! You go Girl! Looking forward to reading more about your world experiences, perspective and insights!❤️

    1. Sarah Creighton Avatar
      Sarah Creighton

      Thank you!!